You probably already know (and if you don’t know, you can guess) that in business, especially today, two things are important – speed and convenience. These are the main levers of success. And if you want your business to develop and make a profit, you need to meet modern requirements. This includes using mobile payment services.

They make customer interaction phenomenally easier. Any entrepreneur will confirm it. And, of course, everyone wants to bring this innovation to their office. But how to choose? After all, there are probably a million parameters that need to be taken into account.

Well, sit back, we’ll figure it out now.

What is it all about

Illustration of mobile payment services

Imagine if you heard a phrase from the title. So? Do you understand what we are talking about? It often happens that it seems to be understandable, but … it won’t work to explain and tell another person in your own words. And even more so – to implement it into life.

Therefore, let’s figure it out just in case, so that it’s clear to everyone. We will talk about such services, thanks to which the client will be able to make purchases (that is, bring you income) in just a couple of seconds by making a few taps on the screen. Is it convenient? It is. And – to everyone.

There are several types of such payments. NFC, for example, is already full of teeth. By the way, you don’t even need to press anything here – you just bring the phone to the terminal and voila – the money has passed from one man to another. The second type is QR codes. At first it seemed inconvenient and complicated, but now it is used everywhere and really makes life easier. Well, there are also all sorts of mobile wallets and other specialized applications – financial assistants, in short.

How, in fact, to choose

There are many nuances, the stump is clear. You know, it’s like choosing the perfect costume. That’s when you take into account all the details – it will fit like a glove. But if you miss something, he will rub you somewhere unpleasant every day.

So, to avoid this, let’s run through the basic criteria. The first is safety. No one wants their money to go to the wrong place. There are plenty of hackers, but fortunately, there are enough information security specialists to protect ordinary citizens and businessmen. It is important that the system uses encryption, two-factor authentication, and fraud protection. If everything is there, super, let’s move on.

The second is the cost of maintenance. See what kind of transactional payments there are, how much you need to pay per month, and whether there are hidden fees. We don’t need to overpay for the brand, so it’s important to dive into the topic and figure out how to compare competitors.

The third is compatibility with various devices and operating systems. We live in a diverse world, so, like it or not, we have to take into account that someone has iOS, someone has Android, and someone does not understand what at all. And it is necessary that everything works for everyone. Therefore, the service must be flexible and versatile.

And the fourth is the ease of use. As mentioned earlier, this is an unrealistically important factor in choosing among the client’s competitors. Therefore, if you want to grab your piece of the pie, choose a really comfortable, simple and intuitive interface. It will be easier for employees to figure it out, and for customers to get used to it.


Illustration of the payment system integration process

So, after the choice is made, you need to figure out – how ready is the business for such changes? It is necessary to check everything – the technical infrastructure, the training of employees. Even the mood of the customers – they will have to use the system.

The integration includes several stages. At a minimum: connection, setting up all necessary parameters, thorough testing, receiving feedback and correction. As they say, measure seven times – pay once.

Well, it is important to train the staff. Every employee should understand how the new service works, so they can serve customers quickly and efficiently. And yes, do not forget to notify the customers themselves. It can even be a separate advertising campaign – bright and creative.


Thus, we talked with you about what mobile payment systems are, how and why to implement them. We hope your business will bloom and smell after the innovations. And that’s all for now – see you in new articles.